Les Quais de Palavas

Breaking the linearity and rigidity of the docks with curved masts and corrugated sticks forming a visual echo to the shape of the waves,
objectives of the project :
Breaking the linearity and rigidity of the docks with curved masts and wavy sticks forming a visual echo to the shape of the waves, also recalling the movement of the Posidonia meadows.
The lightings suggest the colorful flowers of our region and create a diurnal animation by their color…
The blue point-shaped tip visually lightens each element by giving it a slender shape towards the sky.
As for the big masts, the desired symbolism was to recall the lances of the jousts by a point cut at its end and their bulwark (shields of the jousts) by a led projector of rectangular and flat shape.
In addition to this design aspect, the design of the sticks as well as the lighting fixtures prevent the installation of gulls and birds with webbed feet, which have difficulty holding on to narrow round or concave shapes due to the characteristics of their legs.
Patrick MATHEN – General Manager of the Technical Services of the city of Palavas les Flots